Discussions can be enjoyable and worthwhile. It's up to us to make it so.

A discussion can be fun and productive, or not, depending on the attitude of the participants.  Discussions based on a mutual understanding of the facts will offer the best opportunity for a worthwhile outcome.  In todays world that mutual understanding may be hard to come by.   It’s up to all of  us to know and understand the facts on any topic we choose to engage in.  This site will try to help.

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This Cannot Be Normal

History as encouraged us to remember the Maine, remember Pearl Harbor, remember 9/11 and now we should be encouraged to remember January 6.  All of those dates...

How an economy this good fails so many

The short version: This article offers insight into  why the recent inflationary trends have been so hard on workers and their families.  The spark that set it off was...

Vote like democracy depends on it!

Dear Democrat,  It’s becoming more clear every day that our democracy depends on who wins the next series of elections.  You just can’t keep up with the insanity of...

Steps to a Legal Conclusion In Manhattan

There’s a lot of talk from the right about a “rigged” trial and a verdict of guilty that was set up from the start in this case.  In that rhetoric they...

Envy of the World

America’s economy is the envy of the world. It’s growing faster, providing more jobs and higher incomes than any  other developed country and people are really mad about...

A Constitutional Republic Would Do This

For my entire lifetime and yours it has been a common refrain that we are a Constitutional Republic and we are therefore a country of laws...

Random Thoughts from Random News

The real Republican platform There was an article in the paper today that made me think Republicans may be a little smarter than I thought. I hope voters are too.  The...